1337UP LIVE CTF 2023

Over The Wire 1 [50 pts]

 Challenge Description

Challenge Description:

I’m not sure how secure this protocol is but as long as we update the password, I’m sure everything will be fine 😊

We’re given a PCAP file. It seems like there’s something involved with a password, so I used Ctrl+F to search for the string ‘password’ in the packet bytes with Wireshark. I immediately found a packet with the following information.

Hi cat,

This flag is really important so I had to encrypt it in case it falls into the wrong hands.

You already know the FTP password.. Just use the same here, but update it accordingly ;)

Hm. So there’s a flag being transferred and a password used. Since Ctrl+F with password returns nothing more of importance, let’s first look for the flag.
I used Ctrl+F for ‘flag’ and found the following packet:

-rwxrw-rw-   1 crypto   crypto       7616 Oct 29 12:50 README.md
-rwxrw-rw-   1 crypto   crypto        236 Oct 29 12:49 flag.zip
-rwxrw-rw-   1 crypto   crypto        190 Oct 29 12:50 reminder.txt

Seems like the result of an ls -l command, and it includes something called flag.zip! Continuing to Ctrl+F for “flag”, I found another suspicious packet following a packet described as “Request: RETR flag.zip”. Taking a look at the packet data, I noticed that it certainly looked like a zip file – it had the PK file header! (\x50\x4b is PK in ASCII)

0000   50 4b 03 04 0a 00 09 00 00 00 77 65 5d 57 cf eb
0010   72 36 36 00 00 00 2a 00 00 00 08 00 1c 00 66 6c
0020   61 67 2e 74 78 74 55 54 09 00 03 82 53 3e 65 82
0030   53 3e 65 75 78 0b 00 01 04 e8 03 00 00 04 e8 03
0040   00 00 8c 44 05 3b 76 ba 81 95 01 56 86 18 a7 d2
0050   dc 4f 76 81 42 51 92 9b 37 ab 7f 0a dc 21 7f 4e
0060   fc 3a c1 2c 6a 0d fd 46 23 46 a1 d1 73 ab 47 32
0070   b7 aa c2 b0 5b 36 2a dc 50 4b 07 08 cf eb 72 36
0080   36 00 00 00 2a 00 00 00 50 4b 01 02 1e 03 0a 00
0090   09 00 00 00 77 65 5d 57 cf eb 72 36 36 00 00 00
00a0   2a 00 00 00 08 00 18 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
00b0   a4 81 00 00 00 00 66 6c 61 67 2e 74 78 74 55 54
00c0   05 00 03 82 53 3e 65 75 78 0b 00 01 04 e8 03 00
00d0   00 04 e8 03 00 00 50 4b 05 06 00 00 00 00 01 00
00e0   01 00 4e 00 00 00 88 00 00 00 00 00

I created a simple Python script to write this to a file and voila, I got a zip file!

import binascii

s = '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'
f = open('warmup/overthewire1/flagzip', 'wb')
for i in range(0, len(s), 2):

But, only problem was, when I tried to extract flag.txt from the file, it asked me for a password. Right, the message also included something about a password. Where could this be?
Well, my previous search for the string ‘password’ returned nothing, but there’s something odd about what was said in the message. They specified that it was an FTP password… why?
Maybe that’s a hint to filter for FTP packets! I filtered for FTP packets and found the password:


I went back to my zip file and put in the password and… got it wrong?
I took a look back at the message. It included a final statement that the user should “update it [the password] accordingly”. This password contains 2022, what if we change it to 2023?
With the new password of 5up3r_53cur3_p455w0rd_2023, I unzipped flag.txt and got the flag!
