Hackappatoi CTF 2023

Italian Mail [50 pts]

Enzo Tommasi was a YouTube “superstar” in Italy. He went viral with this video initially and then with many others. Can you find out where he was in this epic clip?


Flag format: hctf{street_name_number}

I searched for enzo tommasi posteitaliane. The top result was this, which just seemed to be a longer video of it. In the description, I noticed the following:

Ecco enzo il barbone di ostia! :)

I have no knowledge of Italian, but I decided I might as well translate it. As it turns out, Enzo is apparently from Ostia, a commune of Italy. We also know that he was at Posteitaliane, presumably a post office building. Maybe we can just search all the post offices in Ostia and find the one that looks right?

Eventually, I came across here

The images look the same as the Posteitaliane in the background of the original video, and it has the same ramp – this must be it!
