Newport Blake CTF 2023
Overall Placement: #29/451
High School Placement: #8/39
First high school CTF!
Overall, I think I did quite well with this CTF! However, I definitely had some major problems with spending far too long on problems that could have taken only 30 minutes max. cough cough webcam and Shifty Sands cough cough. I also missed galleria because I didn’t include a single /
I think I could have done better, and I am honestly a little disappointed considering this is probably the most time I have ever spent on a single CTF. My key takeaways are:
I am not good at pwn… I need to learn some basic ROP and heap at the very least.
Don’t spend too long on a single challenge. Linkedout 2 (I still hate that challenge) and webcam killed my brain Saturday and Sunday.
Take breaks! Related to the previous one, but it’s not good to just keep going at a challenge without any progress. It destroys my mental :(
[438] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <algo/> <algo/greedy/> -
[100] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <crypto/> <crypto/base64/> -
Caesar Salads
[100] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <crypto/> <crypto/caesar/> -
Rivest Shamir Forgot Adleman
[349] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <crypto/> <crypto/rsa/> <crypto/broken-rsa/> -
Sbg Abw's Insanity
[432] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <crypto/> <crypto/rsa/> -
Do You Hear That
[241] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <misc/> <forensics/> <misc/audio-forensics/> -
Not Accepted
[365] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <misc/> <misc/codeforces/> -
Babbling About
[401] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <osint/> <osint/babel/> -
Linkedout 1
[352] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <osint/> <osint/hex/> -
Linkedout 3
[420] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <osint/> <osint/hex/> -
[261] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <osint/> <osint/wayback-machine/> -
[429] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <osint/> <osint/google-maps/> -
[446] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <rev/> <rev/bits/> -
Itchy Scratchy
[464] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <rev/> <rev/Scratch/> <rev/brute-force/> -
Shifty Sands
[476] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <rev/> <rev/maze/> -
Inspector Gadget
[100] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <web/> <web/inspect/> -
Secret Tunnel
[264] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <web/> <web/localhost/> <web/url-encoding/> -
Walter's Crystal Shop
[241] <Newport-Blake-CTF-2023/> <web/> <web/SQLi/> <web/sql-union/>