Newport Blake CTF 2023

Not Accepted [365 pts]

 Challenge Description

Challenge Description:

I can’t seem to pass this problem… can you help me?

We’re given an odd Codeforces problem:

not accepted Codeforces problem statement

Simply submitting a Python program of


Solves the problem and gives us the first part of our flag: nbctf{n1C3_

I tried to run ls to see if perhaps there were some hidden files in the system, but inadvertently got the next flag due to Wrong output format!


A simpler program to get the above flag could be the following:


Eventually, I ended up trying to see if just printing 4, the actual answer to 2+2, would work. And to my surprise, it did!


Therefore, our flag is:


Sidenote: this challenge is a little bit guessy, but then again, this is the misc category