Snore Signatures [416 pts]

These signatures are a bore!

ncat --ssl snore-signatures.chal.uiuc.tf 1337


Here’s the Python source:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from Crypto.Util.number import isPrime, getPrime, long_to_bytes, bytes_to_long
from Crypto.Random.random import getrandbits, randint
from Crypto.Hash import SHA512


def hash(val, bits=1024):
    output = 0
    for i in range((bits//512) + 1):
        h = SHA512.new()
        h.update(long_to_bytes(val) + long_to_bytes(i))
        output = int(h.hexdigest(), 16) << (512 * i) ^ output
    return output

def gen_snore_group(N=512):
    q = getPrime(N)
    for _ in range(LOOP_LIMIT):
        X = getrandbits(2*N)
        p = X - X % (2 * q) + 1
        if isPrime(p):
        raise Exception("Failed to generate group")

    r = (p - 1) // q

    for _ in range(LOOP_LIMIT):
        h = randint(2, p - 1)
        if pow(h, r, p) != 1:
        raise Exception("Failed to generate group")

    g = pow(h, r, p)

    return (p, q, g)

def snore_gen(p, q, g, N=512):
    x = randint(1, q - 1)
    y = pow(g, -x, p)
    return (x, y)

def snore_sign(p, q, g, x, m):
    k = randint(1, q - 1)
    r = pow(g, k, p)
    e = hash((r + m) % p) % q
    s = (k + x * e) % q
    return (s, e)

def snore_verify(p, q, g, y, m, s, e):
    if not (0 < s < q):
        return False

    rv = (pow(g, s, p) * pow(y, e, p)) % p
    ev = hash((rv + m) % p) % q

    return ev == e

def main():
    p, q, g = gen_snore_group()
    print(f"p = {p}")
    print(f"q = {q}")
    print(f"g = {g}")

    queries = []
    for _ in range(10):
        x, y = snore_gen(p, q, g)
        print(f"y = {y}")

        print('you get one query to the oracle')

        m = int(input("m = "))
        s, e = snore_sign(p, q, g, x, m)
        print(f"s = {s}")
        print(f"e = {e}")

        print('can you forge a signature?')
        m = int(input("m = "))
        s = int(input("s = "))
        # you can't change e >:)
        if m in queries:
        if not snore_verify(p, q, g, y, m, s, e):
            print('invalid signature!')
        print('correct signature!')

    print('you win!')

if __name__ == "__main__":

We’re provided a very simple signature forgery problem for what seems like a Schnorr signature scheme. First, we are provided p, q, and g, which will remain constant for each query-verification process. At the start of each iteration of the for loop, we are provided y. Then, we are allowed one query of any message m that we have not used before, and are given the result s and e from the signature. We are then supposed to submit a message, signature pair of m and s, such that m has not previously been seen by the oracle, such that the pair will produce the same e.

Now, I actually saw people in the discord server mentioning that you can just add multiples of p to m, which does actually work, since the server considers it different. However, I think my solution was actually the intended.

Essentially, it all lies in how the signature is verified.

def snore_verify(p, q, g, y, m, s, e):
    if not (0 < s < q):
        return False

    rv = (pow(g, s, p) * pow(y, e, p)) % p
    ev = hash((rv + m) % p) % q

    return ev == e

Remember, we know p, q, g, and y, and we control m and s. Well, what if just increment s by 1. Then rv will change, but, importantly, since we know all the variables of the expression, we can pretty simply calculate the new value of rv. Then, we can subtract the difference between the new and old value of rv from m (under modulo p), since only rv + m actually matters in the calculation of ev. Thus, our final ev will still equal e!

Here’s my implementation:

from pwn import *
from Crypto.Util.number import *

r = remote('snore-signatures.chal.uiuc.tf', 1337, ssl=True)

def rn():
    return int(r.recvline().decode('ascii').split('= ')[-1][:-1])

p = rn()
q = rn()
g = rn()

for i in range(10):

    r.recvuntil(b'y = ').decode('ascii')
    y = rn()

    m = i
    r.sendlineafter(b'm = ', str(m).encode())

    s = rn()
    e = rn()

    o_rv = (pow(g, s, p) * pow(y, e, p)) % p

    s += 1

    n_rv = (pow(g, s, p) * pow(y, e, p)) % p

    n_m = ((o_rv - n_rv) + m) % p

    r.sendlineafter(b'm = ', str(n_m).encode())
    r.sendlineafter(b's = ', str(s).encode())
