Snore Signatures [416 pts]
These signatures are a bore!
ncat --ssl snore-signatures.chal.uiuc.tf 1337
Here’s the Python source:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Crypto.Util.number import isPrime, getPrime, long_to_bytes, bytes_to_long
from Crypto.Random.random import getrandbits, randint
from Crypto.Hash import SHA512
def hash(val, bits=1024):
output = 0
for i in range((bits//512) + 1):
h = SHA512.new()
h.update(long_to_bytes(val) + long_to_bytes(i))
output = int(h.hexdigest(), 16) << (512 * i) ^ output
return output
def gen_snore_group(N=512):
q = getPrime(N)
for _ in range(LOOP_LIMIT):
X = getrandbits(2*N)
p = X - X % (2 * q) + 1
if isPrime(p):
raise Exception("Failed to generate group")
r = (p - 1) // q
for _ in range(LOOP_LIMIT):
h = randint(2, p - 1)
if pow(h, r, p) != 1:
raise Exception("Failed to generate group")
g = pow(h, r, p)
return (p, q, g)
def snore_gen(p, q, g, N=512):
x = randint(1, q - 1)
y = pow(g, -x, p)
return (x, y)
def snore_sign(p, q, g, x, m):
k = randint(1, q - 1)
r = pow(g, k, p)
e = hash((r + m) % p) % q
s = (k + x * e) % q
return (s, e)
def snore_verify(p, q, g, y, m, s, e):
if not (0 < s < q):
return False
rv = (pow(g, s, p) * pow(y, e, p)) % p
ev = hash((rv + m) % p) % q
return ev == e
def main():
p, q, g = gen_snore_group()
print(f"p = {p}")
print(f"q = {q}")
print(f"g = {g}")
queries = []
for _ in range(10):
x, y = snore_gen(p, q, g)
print(f"y = {y}")
print('you get one query to the oracle')
m = int(input("m = "))
s, e = snore_sign(p, q, g, x, m)
print(f"s = {s}")
print(f"e = {e}")
print('can you forge a signature?')
m = int(input("m = "))
s = int(input("s = "))
# you can't change e >:)
if m in queries:
if not snore_verify(p, q, g, y, m, s, e):
print('invalid signature!')
print('correct signature!')
print('you win!')
if __name__ == "__main__":
We’re provided a very simple signature forgery problem for what seems like a Schnorr signature scheme. First, we are provided p
, q
, and g
, which will remain constant for each query-verification process. At the start of each iteration of the for loop, we are provided y
. Then, we are allowed one query of any message m
that we have not used before, and are given the result s
and e
from the signature. We are then supposed to submit a message, signature pair of m
and s
, such that m
has not previously been seen by the oracle, such that the pair will produce the same e
Now, I actually saw people in the discord server mentioning that you can just add multiples of p
to m
, which does actually work, since the server considers it different. However, I think my solution was actually the intended.
Essentially, it all lies in how the signature is verified.
def snore_verify(p, q, g, y, m, s, e):
if not (0 < s < q):
return False
rv = (pow(g, s, p) * pow(y, e, p)) % p
ev = hash((rv + m) % p) % q
return ev == e
Remember, we know p
, q
, g
, and y
, and we control m
and s
. Well, what if just increment s
by 1. Then rv
will change, but, importantly, since we know all the variables of the expression, we can pretty simply calculate the new value of rv
. Then, we can subtract the difference between the new and old value of rv
from m
(under modulo p
), since only rv + m
actually matters in the calculation of ev
. Thus, our final ev
will still equal e
Here’s my implementation:
from pwn import *
from Crypto.Util.number import *
r = remote('snore-signatures.chal.uiuc.tf', 1337, ssl=True)
def rn():
return int(r.recvline().decode('ascii').split('= ')[-1][:-1])
p = rn()
q = rn()
g = rn()
for i in range(10):
r.recvuntil(b'y = ').decode('ascii')
y = rn()
m = i
r.sendlineafter(b'm = ', str(m).encode())
s = rn()
e = rn()
o_rv = (pow(g, s, p) * pow(y, e, p)) % p
s += 1
n_rv = (pow(g, s, p) * pow(y, e, p)) % p
n_m = ((o_rv - n_rv) + m) % p
r.sendlineafter(b'm = ', str(n_m).encode())
r.sendlineafter(b's = ', str(s).encode())