Vishwa CTF 2024
Lets Smother The King [300 pts]
In my friend circle, Mr. Olmstead and Mr. Ben always communicate with each other through a secret code language that they created, which we never understand. Here is one of the messages Mr. Ben sent to Mr. Olmstead, which I somehow managed to hack and extract it from Ben’s PC. However, it’s encrypted, and I don’t comprehend their programming language. Besides being proficient programmers, they are also professional chess players. It appears that this is a forced mate in a 4-move chess puzzle, but the information needs to be decrypted to solve it. Help me out here to solve the chess puzzle and get the flag.
Flag format: VishwaCTF{move1ofWhite_move1ofBlack_move2ofWhite_move2ofBlack_move3ofWhite_move3ofBlack_move4ofWhite}.
Note: Please use proper chess notations while writing any move.
Author : Naman Chordia
Here’s code.txt
Searching ‘olmstead cipher’ returns this. This interpreter gives the following output for the code:
White- Ke1,Qe5,Rc1,Rh1,Ne6,a2,b3,d2,f2,h2 Black- Ka8,Qh3,Rg8,Rh8,Bg7,a7,b7,e4,g2,g6,h7
Using a site like this one allows us to find the correct sequence of moves for the flag! (or solve it yourself - it’s a simple smothered mate puzzle!)
This is not really a crypto problem imo