
College Rowing Team [250 pts]

 Challenge Description

Challenge Description:

I just joined my college’s rowing team! To make a good first impression, I started sending my teammates positive automated messages every day. I even send them flags from time to time!

Download encrypted-messages.txt encrypted-messages.txt
Download encrypt.py encrypt.py

We’re given two files, encrypt.py and encrypted-messages.txt.

Let’s take a look at encrypt.py:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import random
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, bytes_to_long

with open('flag.txt', 'rb') as f:
    flag = f.read()

msgs = [
    b'I just cannot wait for rowing practice today!',
    b'I hope we win that big rowing match next week!',
    b'Rowing is such a fun sport!'

msgs *= 3

for msg in msgs:
    p = getPrime(1024)
    q = getPrime(1024)
    n = p * q
    e = 3
    m = bytes_to_long(msg)
    c = pow(m, e, n)
    with open('encrypted-messages.txt', 'a') as f:
        f.write(f'n: {n}\n')
        f.write(f'e: {e}\n')
        f.write(f'c: {c}\n\n')

It seems like three messages + the flag are each encrypted 3 times with RSA, in a random order. Additionally, the public exponent e is always 3, which perhaps implies that we can use Hastad’s broadcast attack.

Let’s check out the encrypted-messages.txt file now. There’s something weird with the file… notice it?

The key observation to make here is that some of the ciphertexts are the same. Presumably, these identical ciphertexts originate from the same message, but why would they be identical?

We know that \(m\equiv e^{c}\;(mod\;n)\), and none of the n’s are identical. If we have different n’s, and \(m^{e}\ge n\), we should get a different ciphertext c each time.

Wait… so maybe that means \(m^{e}<n\). So this is likely unpadded RSA, meaning the messages were not padded with extra characters and the modulus n was never really used in the encryption process. The low public exponent also supports this, as, when e is as low as 3, it is not uncommon for \(m^{e}<n\).

That means \(m^{e}=c\), so we can simply take the cube root of each ciphertext to find the original messages.

We can write a short python script for this and test all possible ciphertexts:

from gmpy2 import iroot

c = 868938910067249952838548130143908771727351638690361694965654617377419268292732524264841389055007122795668815782628236966204158649165906515577110359828106902273777>

r = iroot(c, 3)
r = format(r[0], 'x')
r = bytearray.fromhex(r).decode('ASCII')

Eventually, using the above ciphertext value will return the flag:
