Nsa Backdoor [500 pts]
I heard someone has been sneakily installing backdoors in open-source implementations of Diffie-Hellman… I wonder who it could be… ;)
We’re given a source file and an output file. Here’s gen.py
from binascii import hexlify
from gmpy2 import *
import math
import os
import sys
if sys.version_info < (3, 9):
math.gcd = gcd
math.lcm = lcm
_DEBUG = False
FLAG = open('flag.txt').read().strip()
FLAG = mpz(hexlify(FLAG.encode()), 16)
SEED = mpz(hexlify(os.urandom(32)).decode(), 16)
STATE = random_state(SEED)
def get_prime(state, bits):
return next_prime(mpz_urandomb(state, bits) | (1 << (bits - 1)))
def get_smooth_prime(state, bits, smoothness=16):
p = mpz(2)
p_factors = [p]
while p.bit_length() < bits - 2 * smoothness:
factor = get_prime(state, smoothness)
p *= factor
bitcnt = (bits - p.bit_length()) // 2
while True:
prime1 = get_prime(state, bitcnt)
prime2 = get_prime(state, bitcnt)
tmpp = p * prime1 * prime2
if tmpp.bit_length() < bits:
bitcnt += 1
if tmpp.bit_length() > bits:
bitcnt -= 1
if is_prime(tmpp + 1):
p = tmpp + 1
return (p, p_factors)
while True:
p, p_factors = get_smooth_prime(STATE, 1024, 16)
if len(p_factors) != len(set(p_factors)):
# Smoothness should be different or some might encounter issues.
q, q_factors = get_smooth_prime(STATE, 1024, 17)
if len(q_factors) == len(set(q_factors)):
factors = p_factors + q_factors
if _DEBUG:
import sys
sys.stderr.write(f'p = {p.digits(16)}\n\n')
sys.stderr.write(f'p_factors = [\n')
for factor in p_factors:
sys.stderr.write(f' {factor.digits(16)},\n')
sys.stderr.write(f'q = {q.digits(16)}\n\n')
sys.stderr.write(f'q_factors = [\n')
for factor in q_factors:
sys.stderr.write(f' {factor.digits(16)},\n')
n = p * q
c = pow(3, FLAG, n)
print(f'n = {n.digits(16)}')
print(f'c = {c.digits(16)}')
If you’ve already tried picoCTF Very Smooth, you might notice that gen.py
looks almost exactly the same, except for the last few lines. In fact, since the smooth prime generation is exactly the same, we can very easily factor n with the same method. Check it out here. Here is the actual implementation of factoring:
from gmpy2 import gcd
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes
n = '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'
c = '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'
n = int(n, 16)
c = int(c, 16)
# Pollard's attack
a = 2
B = 2**16
for i in range(2, B + 1):
if i % 1000 == 999:
a = pow(a, i, n)
d = gcd(a - 1, n)
if 1 < d and d <n:
print('Prime Factorization of', n)
print('(', d, ',', n//d, ')')
# p = 171737105398642886952850023587557331022400498172400869641426551638589932026649898397876829050302065185503267016434202639701993923587707811159987700892389251316474659535280313653455895504110202181248123584104740181548065437477883135586395419285367405510482984730579396853274696958317152079284544972182264385463
# q = 106100642585441306659231092215520826696629132542273077958343764679155770250122358609663107630938585362851298476451646865414782901804279333798979560157253536320542486164083758273933045971956834335122097138913124651325662432603430010782343379229098017062153539965098342640625730371237503614435960627380518870019
Once, we’ve factored it, we’re left with a Diffie-Hellman-like encryption. 3 is raised to the FLAG
power modulus n. To break a Diffie-Hellman encryption, it’s necessary to solve the Discrete Log Problem. Unfortunately, there is no known algorithm to efficiently calculate the discrete log of extremely large numbers. However, there are two key things that allow us to actually factor this:
By research, I found this post which elaborates on how to exploit a non-prime modulus in Diffie-Hellman. This means that we don’t need to perform the discrete log on n, essentially square-rooting the magnitude of the modulus we’re calculating it for.
Additionally, even though the primes are still very large, it is known that these primes are smooth numbers, i.e. the factors of \(p - 1\) are limited to a certain upper bound. This means that \(p - 1\) can be broken down into several smaller primes. This makes the solving the discrete log problem for these primes much faster!
Therefore, with this knowledge, we can easily find FLAG
using the following sage script:
p = 171737105398642886952850023587557331022400498172400869641426551638589932026649898397876829050302065185503267016434202639701993923587707811159987700892389251316474659535280313653455895504110202181248123584104740181548065437477883135586395419285367405510482984730579396853274696958317152079284544972182264385463
q = 106100642585441306659231092215520826696629132542273077958343764679155770250122358609663107630938585362851298476451646865414782901804279333798979560157253536320542486164083758273933045971956834335122097138913124651325662432603430010782343379229098017062153539965098342640625730371237503614435960627380518870019
c = '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'
c = int(c, 16)
g = 3
R = Integers(p)
c1 = R(c)
g1 = R(g)
xp = c1.log(g1)
R = Integers(q)
c2 = R(c)
g2 = R(g)
xq = c2.log(g2)
Note that xp
and xq
actually turn out to be the same, meaning that \(x_p = x_q = x\), where \(x=FLAG\). If they were not, it is possible to solve for \(x\) with Chinese Remainder Theorem.
Once we have the flag number, we can simply convert it to bytes to get the flag:
x = 4028375274964940959020413024799108535910958820283330112174774258028392431441247073676584185406962766591101