Wolv CTF 2024
Limited 1 [100 pts]
It’s pretty easy to find random integers if you know the seed, but what if every second has a different seed?
We’re provided a Python source:
import time
import random
import sys
if __name__ == '__main__':
flag = input("Flag? > ").encode('utf-8')
correct = [189, 24, 103, 164, 36, 233, 227, 172, 244, 213, 61, 62, 84, 124, 242, 100, 22, 94, 108, 230, 24, 190, 23, 228, 24]
time_cycle = int(time.time()) % 256
if len(flag) != len(correct):
print('Nope :(')
for i in range(len(flag)):
if correct[i] != flag[i] ^ random.getrandbits(8):
print('Nope :(')
So, basically, the seed for the random.getrandbits(8)
call is changing for each byte. This is very easily brute-forceable, by simply looping over all possible initial seeds (only 256 possible values), decrypting, and then checking is the result is all ASCII to limit the results that need to be manually checked.
import random
correct = [189, 24, 103, 164, 36, 233, 227, 172, 244, 213, 61, 62, 84, 124, 242, 100, 22, 94, 108, 230, 24, 190, 23, 228, 24]
randvals = []
for i in range(256 + len(correct)):
for i in range(256):
curr = b''
isascii = True
for j in range(len(correct)):
x = correct[j] ^ randvals[i + j]
if x >= 128:
isascii = False
curr += chr(x).encode()
if not isascii: continue
Alternatively, since we know the prefix of the flag is wctf
, we can check which initial seed values result in this prefix, and then easily decrypt from there.
import random
correct = [189, 24, 103, 164, 36, 233, 227, 172, 244, 213, 61, 62, 84, 124, 242, 100, 22, 94, 108, 230, 24, 190, 23, 228, 24]
seed = -1
for i in range(256):
f1 = correct[0] ^ random.getrandbits(8)
random.seed(i + 1)
f2 = correct[1] ^ random.getrandbits(8)
if f1 == ord('w') and f2 == ord('c'):
seed = i
for j in range(len(correct)):
random.seed(seed + j)
print(chr(correct[j] ^ random.getrandbits(8)), end='')
Both scripts result in the flag!