Iris CTF 2024

Name That Song 3 [435 pts]

No more modarchive. Find the original title of this song which has been redacted from this file.

Format: irisctf{never_gonna_give_you_up}

Song titles and authors will be revealed at the end of competition.

We’re given a file called song1_redacted.kt. Looking around with binwalk, strings, and xxd, I didn’t find anything that gave the answer. Eventually, I ran file song1_redacted.kt, which said the following:

song1_redacted.kt: Klystrack song, version 27, title \003e\377\030\001\336\003S\377`\001U\004D\377 \001\251\0048\377`\001I\005\037\377 \001x\005\027\377`\001\317\005\005\377 \001\232\006\311\376`\001\270\006\273\376 \001\001

Klystrack…? What’s that? Also, the title is very clearly redacted, so no easy flag there.

I searched up klystrack, and found that it was some sort of audio composer. I couldn’t find any way to easily load the audio file, so I simply download klystrack and loaded in the audio file. It provided the option to export to .wav, so I did that too.

At this point, I had listened to the audio file, and I realized that it didn’t really sound like an audio file that was easy to search for. I tried using the mobile app Shazam, but no luck.

Hence, I eventually turned to YouTube. I simply searched for klystrack and filtered for videos between 4-20 minutes, since the audio was 4:16. (There were no precise options). After a little bit of searching, I came across this video. And, conveniently enough, it turned out to be the correct audio!


Sidenote: I explained this all relatively concisely, but in reality this took me quite a while to find :P