Iris CTF 2024

The Johnsons [50 pts]

Please socialize with the Johnson’s and get off your phone. You might be quizzed on it!
nc 10002

Decompile in Ghidra. Here’s the two relevant functions, main and check with my edited variable names.

undefined8 main(void)

  int choice;
  long in_FS_OFFSET;
  int index;
  int color_choice;
  int food_choice;
  char input [104];
  long local_10;
  local_10 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28);
  puts("Welcome to the Johnson\'s family!");
      "You have gotten to know each person decently well, so let\'s see if you remember all of the f acts."
  puts("(Remember that each of the members like different things from each other.)");
  index = 0;
  while (index < 4) {
    printf("Please choose %s\'s favorite color: ",*(undefined8 *)(names + (long)index * 8));
    choice = strcmp(input,red_ptr);
    if (choice == 0) {
      color_choice = 1;
      if ((((color_choice == color1) || (color_choice == color2)) || (color_choice == color3)) ||
         (color_choice == color4)) {
        puts("That option was already chosen!");
      else {
        (&color1)[index] = color_choice;
        index = index + 1;
    else {
      choice = strcmp(input,blue_ptr);
      if (choice == 0) {
        color_choice = 2;
        goto LAB_set_and_check_color;
      choice = strcmp(input,green_ptr);
      if (choice == 0) {
        color_choice = 3;
        goto LAB_set_and_check_color;
      choice = strcmp(input,yellow_ptr);
      if (choice == 0) {
        color_choice = 4;
        goto LAB_set_and_check_color;
      puts("Invalid color!");
  index = 0;
  do {
    while( true ) {
      if (3 < index) {
        if (local_10 != *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) {
                    /* WARNING: Subroutine does not return */
        return 0;
      printf("Please choose %s\'s favorite food: ",*(undefined8 *)(names + (long)index * 8));
      choice = strcmp(input,pizza_ptr);
      if (choice != 0) break;
      food_choice = 1;
      if (((food_choice == food1) || (food_choice == food2)) ||
         ((food_choice == food3 || (food_choice == food4)))) {
        puts("That option was already chosen!");
      else {
        (&food1)[index] = food_choice;
        index = index + 1;
    choice = strcmp(input,pasta_ptr);
    if (choice == 0) {
      food_choice = 2;
      goto LAB_set_and_check_food;
    choice = strcmp(input,steak_ptr);
    if (choice == 0) {
      food_choice = 3;
      goto LAB_set_and_check_food;
    choice = strcmp(input,chicken_ptr);
    if (choice == 0) {
      food_choice = 4;
      goto LAB_set_and_check_food;
    puts("Invalid food!");
  } while( true );

void check(void)

  bool bool1;
  byte bool2;
  if ((food3 == 2) || (food4 == 2)) {
    bool1 = false;
  else {
    bool1 = true;
  if ((color1 == 3) || (color2 == 3)) {
    bool2 = 0;
  else {
    bool2 = 1;
  if (color4 == 2 &&
      (color3 != 4 && (food4 != 3 && (food1 == 4 && (bool)((color2 != 1 && bool1) & bool2))))) {
    system("cat flag.txt");
  else {

From this, we can very easily outline certain constraints based on the check() function. See below, where = represents the correct one, while ! represents what it cannot be.

            1   2   3   4
        1   =       !
        2   !       !   =
        3           =   !
        4       =
        1               =
        2       =
        3       !   =
        4   =   !   !

Therefore, these are the following orders:

Colors: 1 4 3 2 ==> red yellow green blue
Foods: 4 2 3 1 ==> chicken pasta steak pizza

Connect to the service and send the input to get the flag!
