Iris CTF 2024

Czech Where [50 pts]

Iris visited this cool shop a while back, but forgot where it was! What street is it on?


We’re provided a single image. Using reverse image search on it, we find an exact match in this post. It’s in Japanese, so I simply used Google’s automatic site translation to translate it to English. TL;DR, this is a blog about some visit in the Czech Republic.

The blog itself provided some information, but I was unable to figure out the location from that. Hence, I decided to start reverse image searching some of the other images on the blog. This one looked like a nice candidate, so I tried that.

Immediately, I was presented with this wikimedia post. In the Summary section, it linked to a source.

Clicking on the source gave us longitude and latitude coordinates. Perfect!

I went to Google Maps with the coordinates, and found that the images seemed to be from the street Zlatá ulička u Daliborky. Putting it in proper flag format returns the flag!
