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01 January 1337Babygame01
Get the flag and reach the exit. Welcome to BabyGame! Navigate around the map and see what you can find!...
picoCTF, pwn, pwn/out-of-boundspicoCTF
01 January 1337Buffer Overflow 2
Control the return address and arguments This time you'll need to control the arguments to the function you return to!...
picoCTF, pwn, pwn/buffer-overflow, pwn/ret2win, pwn/args-on-stack, pwn/getspicoCTF
01 January 1337Buffer Overflow 3
Do you think you can bypass the protection and get the flag? It looks like Dr. Oswal added a stack...
picoCTF, pwn, pwn/buffer-overflow, pwn/stack-canary, pwn/ret2win, pwn/byte-by-bytepicoCTF
01 January 1337Flag Leak
Story telling class 1/2 I'm just copying and pasting with this [program]( What can go wrong? You can view [source](
picoCTF, pwn, pwn/format-stringpicoCTF
01 January 1337Rps
Here's a program that plays rock, paper, scissors against you. I hear something good happens if you win 5 times...
picoCTF, pwn, pwn/strstrpicoCTF
01 January 1337X Sixty What
Overflow x64 code Most problems before this are 32-bit x86. Now we'll consider 64-bit x86 which is a little different!...
picoCTF, pwn, pwn/buffer-overflowpicoCTF
01 January 1337Aes Abc
AES-ECB is bad, so I rolled my own cipher block chaining mechanism - Addition Block Chaining! You can find the...
picoCTF, crypto, crypto/aespicoCTF
01 January 1337B00tl3grsa2
In RSA d is a lot bigger than e, why don't we use d to encrypt instead of e? Connect...
picoCTF, crypto, crypto/rsapicoCTF
01 January 1337B00tl3grsa3
Why use p and q when I can use more? Connect with `nc 51575`. --- Connect to the service....
picoCTF, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/multi-primepicoCTF
01 January 1337College Rowing Team
I just joined my college's rowing team! To make a good first impression, I started sending my teammates positive automated...
picoCTF, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/unpaddedpicoCTF
01 January 1337Compress And Attack
Your goal is to find the flag. []( `nc [port #]` --- Weโre given a file, `` and a...
picoCTF, crypto, crypto/zlib, crypto/Salsa20, crypto/brute-forcepicoCTF
01 January 1337John Pollard
Sometimes RSA [certificates]( are breakable --- We're given an RSA certificate. After a bit of research, I figured out the...
picoCTF, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/certificatepicoCTF
01 January 1337Mini Rsa (both)
Let's decrypt this: [ciphertext]( Something seems a bit small. --- *Note that the methods for this challenge work for both...
picoCTF, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/brute-force, crypto/small-epicoCTF
01 January 1337New Vignere
Another slight twist on a classic, see if you can recover the flag. (Wrap with picoCTF{}) `ioffdcjbfjmcifelcaloifgcjecgpgiebpfeiafhgajafkmlfcbpfbioflgcmacg` []( --- Weโre...
picoCTF, crypto, crypto/vigenere, crypto/bitspicoCTF
01 January 1337Nsa Backdoor
I heard someone has been sneakily installing backdoors in open-source implementations of Diffie-Hellman... I wonder who it could be... ;)...
picoCTF, crypto, crypto/diffie-hellman, crypto/rsa, crypto/smooth-primes, crypto/pollard-attackpicoCTF
01 January 1337Rsa Pop Quiz
Class, take your seats! It's PRIME-time for a quiz... `nc 18821` --- Connect to the service. The first problem...
picoCTF, crypto, crypto/rsapicoCTF
01 January 1337Scrambled Rsa
Hmmm I wonder if you have learned your lesson... Let's see if you understand RSA and how the encryption works....
picoCTF, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/brute-force, crypto/byte-by-bytepicoCTF
01 January 1337Sra
I just recently learnt about the SRA public key cryptosystem... or wait, was it supposed to be RSA? Hmmm, I...
picoCTF, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/factorization, crypto/brute-forcepicoCTF
01 January 1337Sum O Primes
We have so much faith in RSA we give you not just the product of the primes, but their sum...
picoCTF, crypto, crypto/rsapicoCTF
01 January 1337Very Smooth
Forget safe primes... Here, we like to live life dangerously... >:) - []( - [output.txt]( --- Weโre given two files,...
picoCTF, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/smooth-primes, crypto/pollard-attackpicoCTF
01 January 1337Waves Over Lambda
We made a lot of substitutions to encrypt this. Can you decrypt it? Connect with `nc 13758`. --- Connecting...
picoCTF, crypto, crypto/monoalphabetic-substitutionpicoCTF
01 January 1337Operation Oni
Download this disk image, find the key and log into the remote machine. Note: if you are using the webshell,...
picoCTF, forensics, forensics/disk, forensics/permissionspicoCTF
01 January 1337Operation Orchid
Download this disk image and find the flag. Note: if you are using the webshell, download and extract the disk...
picoCTF, forensics, forensics/disk, forensics/opensslpicoCTF
01 January 1337Sidechannel
There's something fishy about this PIN-code checker, can you figure out the PIN and get the flag? Download the PIN...
picoCTF, forensics, forensics/side-channel, forensics/timingpicoCTF
01 January 1337Whitepages
I stopped using YellowPages and moved onto WhitePages... but the page they gave me is all blank! [whitepages.txt]( --- ```xxd...
picoCTF, forensics, forensics/unicode, forensics/binarypicoCTF
01 January 1337picoCTF
[picoCTF]( This was the CTF I first started off with! In early July 2023 I was introduced to picoCTF and...
01 January 1337Otp Implementation
Yay reversing! Relevant files: [otp]( [flag.txt]( --- We're given an ELF binary `otp` and a `flag.txt` that contains the encrypted...
picoCTF, rev, rev/otp, rev/byte-by-bytepicoCTF
01 January 1337Reverse Cipher
We have recovered a [binary]( and a [text file]( Can you reverse the flag. --- We're given an ELF binary...
picoCTF, revpicoCTF
01 January 1337Irish Name Repo 1
There is a website running at ([link]( or Do you think you can log us in? Try to...
picoCTF, web, web/sql-injectionpicoCTF
01 January 1337Irish Name Repo 2
There is a website running at ([link]( Someone has bypassed the login before, and now it's being strengthened. Try...
picoCTF, web, web/sql-injectionpicoCTF
01 January 1337Irish Name Repo 3
There is a secure website running at ([link]( or Try to see if you can login as admin!...
picoCTF, web, web/sql-injection, web/curlpicoCTF
01 January 1337Roboto Sans
The flag is somewhere on this web application not necessarily on the website. Find it. Check [this]( out. --- After...
picoCTF, web, web/robots.txtpicoCTF
01 January 1337Secrets
We have several pages hidden. Can you find the one with the flag? The website is running [here]( --- `curl...
picoCTF, web, web/curl1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023
27 November 2023Keyless
My friend made a new encryption algorithm. Apparently it's so advanced, you don't even need a key! [flag.txt.enc]( []( ---...
1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023, crypto, rev1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023
27 November 2023Not So Smooth
Can you find a and b? []( --- We're given the following: ```py from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes from Crypto.Util.strxor import...
1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023, crypto, crypto/xor, crypto/modular-arithmetic1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023
27 November 2023Really Secure Apparently
Apparently this encryption is "really secure" and I don't need to worry about sharing the ciphertext, or even these values.....
1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/wiener1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023
27 November 20231337UP LIVE CTF 2023
[]( Placement: #133/691 --- ## Thoughts: I had a lot of fun with this CTF! I didn't really solve anything...
27 November 2023Flag Checker
Can you beat this FlagChecker? [flagchecker]( []( --- ### *Warning: if you came here for an elegant solution, this is...
1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023, rev, rev/rust, rev/brute-force1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023
27 November 2023Obfuscation
I think I made my code harder to read. Can you let me know if that's true? []( --- This...
1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023, rev, rev/obfuscation, rev/xor1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023
27 November 2023Encoding
I have no idea what this message means, can you help me decipher it? ๐จโ๐ป [enc.txt]( --- We're given a...
1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023, crypto, crypto/encoding, crypto/base32, crypto/base64, crypto/hex, crypto/morse1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023
27 November 2023Flag Extraction
They told me I just need to extract flag but I don't know what that means?! [flag.rar]( --- After extracting...
1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023, forensics, forensics/rar, forensics/zip, forensics/binwalk1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023
27 November 2023Over The Wire 1
I'm not sure how secure this protocol is but as long as we update the password, I'm sure everything will...
1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023, forensics, forensics/network, forensics/wireshark, forensics/ftp1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023
27 November 2023Over The Wire 2
Learning the lessons from the previous failed secure file transfer attempts, CryptoCat and 0xM4hm0ud found a new [definitely secure] way...
1337UP-LIVE-CTF-2023, forensics, forensics/network, forensics/wireshark, forensics/stego, forensics/lsbNewport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 2023Gym
Bro kroot. Ignore the time/memory/input/output section of the pdf. `nc 30270` [gym.pdf]( --- Okay, so we're given a sequence...
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, algo, algo/greedyNewport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 202332+32=64
64 is too much, but 32 isn't. 32+32=64? [32_1.txt]( [32_2.txt]( --- We're given two base64 strings. Each of them, when...
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, crypto, crypto/base64Newport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 2023Caesar Salads
Every CTF needs an introductory crypto. I found a roman emperor that made this super cool cipher. Can you decrypt...
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, crypto, crypto/caesarNewport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 2023Rivest Shamir Forgot Adleman
Exponents took too long. I decided to use an alternative. It won't about the same right? [output.txt]( []( ---...
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/broken-rsaNewport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 2023Sbg Abw's Insanity
"Skill Issue" - AnonymousBlueWhale [output.txt]( []( --- We're given `` and `output.txt`. Here's ``: ```py from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, bytes_to_long,...
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, crypto, crypto/rsaNewport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 2023Newport Blake CTF 2023
[]( Overall Placement: #29/451 High School Placement: #8/39 --- ## Thoughts: First high school CTF! Overall, I think I did...
04 December 2023Do You Hear That
I'm not sure why, but when I look at this image I can hear some sort of faint sound. Do...
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, misc, forensics, misc/audio-forensicsNewport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 2023Not Accepted
I can't seem to pass this problem... can you help me? []( --- We're given an odd Codeforces problem: Simply...
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, misc, misc/codeforcesNewport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 2023Babbling About
They say a monkey with a typewriter will eventually type out a masterpiece. But what about a flag? Enclose the...
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, osint, osint/babelNewport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 2023Linkedout 1
Iโve just finished setting up Newport blakes LinkedIn! I hope I didn't give away too much personal information in my...
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, osint, osint/hexNewport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 2023Linkedout 3
Lets see your linkedin experience. There's another flag hidden somewhere, lets see if you can find it. --- Take a...
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, osint, osint/hexNewport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 2023Persona
I have this username, can you help me uncover who it really is? They go by the name in2win9945 online....
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, osint, osint/wayback-machineNewport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 2023Webcam
์ธํฐ๋ท์์ ์น์บ ์ ์์ด๋ฒ๋ ธ์ต๋๋ค. ์ ํํ ์ด๋์ ์๋์ง ์๋ ค์ฃผ์ค ์ ์๋์? Flag is the coordinates of the location truncated to three digits,...
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, osint, osint/google-mapsNewport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 2023Crisscross
X [output.txt]( []( --- We're given `` and `output.txt`. Here's ``: ```py import random key1 = random.choices(range(256), k=20) key2 =...
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, rev, rev/bitsNewport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 2023Itchy Scratchy
Yeah sorry, I couldn't resist. Use Turbowarp if you want. [itchyscratchy.sb3]( --- Head over to Turbowarp and load the Scratch...
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, rev, rev/Scratch, rev/brute-forceNewport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 2023Shifty Sands
Can you escape the sand-filled maze before it's too late? `nc 30401` [sands]( --- We're given an ELF binary,...
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, rev, rev/mazeNewport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 2023Inspector Gadget
While snooping around this website, inspector gadet lost parts of his flag. Can you help him find it? []( ---...
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, web, web/inspectNewport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 2023Secret Tunnel
Can you find the flag on the other end of my secret tunnel? []( []( --- We're given a website...
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, web, web/localhost, web/url-encodingNewport-Blake-CTF-2023
04 December 2023Walter's Crystal Shop
My buddy Walter is selling some crystals, check out his shop! []( []( --- The source includes an `app.js` file....
Newport-Blake-CTF-2023, web, web/SQLi, web/sql-unionHackappatoi-CTF-2023
10 December 2023Hackappatoi CTF 2023
[]( #116/443 --- ## Thoughts: Didn't have much time to play this CTF, but I did still manage to solve...
10 December 2023Escape From Italy
Italy is maybe the most touristic country around the world, amazing food, spectacular monuments, and faboulus environments But in the...
Hackappatoi-CTF-2023, misc, misc/pyjail, misc/ruby-jailHackappatoi-CTF-2023
10 December 2023Italian Mail
Enzo Tommasi was a YouTube "superstar" in Italy. He went viral with this video initially and then with many others....
Hackappatoi-CTF-2023, osint, osint/google-mapsHackappatoi-CTF-2023
10 December 2023The First Horseman
I donโt think youโre welcome inside this castleโฆ SHISH! [thefirsthorseman]( --- We're provided a `.pyc` file. For those who are...
Hackappatoi-CTF-2023, rev, rev/pyc, rev/rot13Hackappatoi-CTF-2023
10 December 2023The Four Horseman
The Cavaliere is returned. He is awake and heโs ready to unleash the apocalypse. Are you the chosen one? Solving...
Hackappatoi-CTF-2023, rev, rev/rot13Hackappatoi-CTF-2023
10 December 2023Lemons
Perhaps not everyone knows that Italy produces top-quality lemons. No wonder that forgetting them at the counter is a very...
Hackappatoi-CTF-2023, web, web/robots.txtping-CTF-2023
11 December 2023Hard Work
You've received a cryptic message from your boss at the company. Apparently, your aggressive demeanor has raised concerns, and your...
ping-CTF-2023, crypto, crypto/encodingping-CTF-2023
11 December 2023Lame Lame Loser
In this challenge, your school teacher dismissed your abilities by calling you a lame loser. Now, you have the chance...
ping-CTF-2023, crypto, crypto/lllping-CTF-2023
11 December 2023Old Friend From The Past
You've stumbled upon an encrypted message from the past, a mysterious code left behind by a figure from history. Your...
ping-CTF-2023, crypto, crypto/caesarping-CTF-2023
11 December 2023Private Conversation
Welcome to the "private-conversation" challenge, where you find yourself in the role of a cryptanalyst facing an intriguing encrypted message....
ping-CTF-2023, crypto, crypto/encoding, crypto/obfuscationping-CTF-2023
11 December 2023ping CTF 2023
[]( Overall Placement: #63/517 --- ## Thoughts: This was a fun CTF! I was admittedly a little frustrated with my...
11 December 2023Inside Bear
This is the hardest reversing challenge I've ever met!!! Can you please help me? It even has source code attached...
ping-CTF-2023, misc, misc/binwalk, misc/audio-forensics, misc/spectrogramping-CTF-2023
11 December 2023Imag Ine An Elf
This is no ordinary reversing challenge! As the Christmas season is coming, we thought that a real elf would be...
ping-CTF-2023, rev, rev/lsbping-CTF-2023
11 December 2023Noodle Nightmare
In the last programming session, Bajtek unleashed a coding catastrophe โ his spaghetti code was so messy that even the...
ping-CTF-2023, rev, rev/obfuscationping-CTF-2023
11 December 2023Ziggarettes
Don't smoke zigarettes, kids! []( --- We're given an ELF binary. I decompiled with [Dogbolt]( and examined the Ghidra code....
ping-CTF-2023, rev, revping-CTF-2023
11 December 2023Path Traversal 101
Can you pass the path traversal exam? ๐ There might be some requirements tho for your *specie*... []( []( ---...
ping-CTF-2023, web, web/robots.txt, web/pathping-CTF-2023
11 December 2023Youtube Trailer
Watch the [PING CTF 2023 official trailer]( and find the flag! --- Nothing on the video seemed to indicate a...
ping-CTF-2023, web, web/curlCyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023
19 December 2023Slots
I heard about this [scam that let people rob some slot machines]( Can you do it with this slot machine?...
Cyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023, crypto, crypto/randcrackCyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023
19 December 2023Babyhide
This little baby is figuring out how to computer! It looks like the baby hid some of my files though....
Cyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023, forensics, forensics/binwalkCyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023
19 December 2023Funding Secured
Someone in our company leaked some very sensitive information. We absolutely cannot let this stand. Thankfully our monitoring software intercepted...
Cyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023, forensics, forensics/lsb, forensics/binwalkCyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023
19 December 2023Lost At Sea
I dropped my flag in the sea. Help me find it among the sharks! [lost-at-sea.pcapng]( --- We're given a very...
Cyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023, forensics, forensics/wiresharkCyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023
19 December 2023Cyber Cooperative CTF 2023
[]( #121/432 --- ## Thoughts: I didn't perform too well on this CTF, but was still fun! I think I...
19 December 2023Crashme
Can you make this program crash? `nc 17289` [crashme]( [crashme.c]( --- We're given an ELF binary, a C source...
Cyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023, pwn, pwn/buffer-overflow, pwn/segfaultCyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023
19 December 2023Medbof
a little harder this time `nc 27380` [medbof]( --- We're given an ELF binary, `medbof`. I decompiled with [Dogbolt](
Cyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023, pwn, pwn/buffer-overflow, pwn/ret2winCyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023
19 December 2023Bunker
You reach a large metal door. It's protected by large yellow bars. There appears to be an panel with a...
Cyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023, rev, rev/jarCyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023
19 December 2023Dis
Our field agents extracted the disassembly for a function that we think generates a secret flag. But it doesn't look...
Cyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023, rev, rev/bytecodeCyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023
19 December 2023Easycrack
I need to make a key for this crackme for my homework. I just want to play video games, can...
Cyber-Cooperative-CTF-2023, revIris-CTF-2024
07 January 2024Baby Charge
For your first assignment, break ChaCha20! `nc 10100` [babycha.tar.gz]( --- We're given an encryption oracle with two options --...
Iris-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/chacha20, crypto/oracleIris-CTF-2024
07 January 2024Integral Communication
I've found this secret communication system running on a server. Unfortunately it uses AES so there's not much I can...
Iris-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/aes, crypto/aes-cbc, crypto/oracle, crypto/jsonIris-CTF-2024
07 January 2024Iris CTF 2024
[]( Placement: #88/1207 --- ## Thoughts: Turns out I'm a speed demon in the first few hours of the CTF,...
07 January 2024Name That Song 3
No more modarchive. Find the original title of this song which has been redacted from this file. Format: irisctf{never_gonna_give_you_up} Song...
Iris-CTF-2024, misc, misc/reverse-audio-searchIris-CTF-2024
07 January 2024Sir Scope
This circuit used to write out the flag using an array of 8 LEDs, but the LEDs are all burnt...
Iris-CTF-2024, misc, misc/brute-forceIris-CTF-2024
07 January 2024Wheres Skat
While traveling over the holidays, I was doing some casual wardriving (as I often do). Can you use my capture...
Iris-CTF-2024, forensics, forensics/network, osint, forensics/wifiIris-CTF-2024
07 January 2024Away On Vacation
Iris and her assistant are away on vacation. She left an audio message explaining how to get in touch with...
Iris-CTF-2024, osint, osint/instagramIris-CTF-2024
07 January 2024Czech Where
Iris visited this cool shop a while back, but forgot where it was! What street is it on? [czech-where.tar.gz]( ---...
Iris-CTF-2024, osint, osint/reverse-image-searchIris-CTF-2024
07 January 2024Personal Breach
Security questions can be solved by reconnaissance. The weakest link in security could be the people around you. []( ---...
Iris-CTF-2024, osint, osint/instgram, osint/linkedin, osint/facebookIris-CTF-2024
07 January 2024Insanity Check
I've tried the brand new michael-ld linker on my hello world program. I'm pretty sure it's super safe now. `nc...
Iris-CTF-2024, pwn, pwn/buffer-overflow, pwn/ret2winIris-CTF-2024
07 January 2024Rune Whats That
Rune? Like the ancient alphabet? [whats-a-rune.tar.gz]( --- We're given two files, `the` and `main.go`. `the` is filled with some odd...
Iris-CTF-2024, rev, rev/goIris-CTF-2024
07 January 2024The Johnsons
Please socialize with the Johnson's and get off your phone. You might be quizzed on it! `nc 10002` [babyrevjohnson.tar.gz](
Iris-CTF-2024, rev, rev/logicIris-CTF-2024
07 January 2024Whats My Password
[baby] Oh no! Skat forgot their password (again)! Can you help them find it? []( [whats-my-password.tar.gz]( --- We're given a...
Iris-CTF-2024, web, web/sqli, web/unionUofT-CTF-2024
15 January 2024Clever Thinking
I think that Diffie-Hellman is better with some curves, maybe elliptic ones. Let's share a secret! Wrap the secret (which...
UofT-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/ecc, crypto/smarts-attackUofT-CTF-2024
15 January 2024Piano Man
Windy, a piano prodigy, believes that RSA encryption may not provide sufficient security to safeguard his invaluable piano mastery secrets....
UofT-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/rsaUofT-CTF-2024
15 January 2024Repeat
I'm a known repeat offender when it comes to bad encryption habits. But the secrets module is secure, so you'll...
UofT-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/xorUofT-CTF-2024
15 January 2024Enable Me
You've received a confidential document! Follow the instructions to unlock it. Note: This is not malware Author: SteakEnthusiast [invoice.docm]( ---...
UofT-CTF-2024, forensics, forensics/microsoft-officeUofT-CTF-2024
15 January 2024Secret Message 1
We swiped a top-secret file from the vaults of a very secret organization, but all the juicy details are craftily...
UofT-CTF-2024, forensicsUofT-CTF-2024
15 January 2024UofT CTF 2024
[]( Placement: #175/1225 --- ## Thoughts: Didn't have as much time to play this one, but still had fun! Crypto...
15 January 2024Babys First Iot Flag 1
See introduction for complete context. Part 1 - Here is an FCC ID, Q87-WRT54GV81, what is the frequency in MHz...
UofT-CTF-2024, osint, osint/iot, osint/fcc-lookupUofT-CTF-2024
15 January 2024Babys First Iot Flag 2
See introduction for complete context. Part 2 - What company makes the processor for this device? []( Submit the answer...
UofT-CTF-2024, osint, osint/iot, osint/reverse-image-searchUofT-CTF-2024
15 January 2024Babys First Pyjail
@windex told me that jails should be sourceless. So no source for you. Author: SteakEnthusiast `nc 5000` --- We're...
UofT-CTF-2024, misc, misc/pyjail, misc/blacklistUofT-CTF-2024
15 January 2024Out Of The Bucket
Check out my flag website! Author: windex []( --- We're given a [website]( Checking out the website reveals two images...
UofT-CTF-2024, misc, misc/Google-storageUofT-CTF-2024
15 January 2024Flying High
I'm trying to find a flight I took back in 2012. I forgot the airport and the plane, but I...
UofT-CTF-2024, osintUofT-CTF-2024
15 January 2024Basic Overflow
This challenge is simple. It just gets input, stores it to a buffer. It calls gets to read input, stores...
UofT-CTF-2024, pwn, pwn/ret2win, pwn/buffer-overflowUofT-CTF-2024
15 January 2024Patched Shell
Okay, okay. So you were smart enough to do basic overflow huh... Now try this challenge! I patched the shell...
UofT-CTF-2024, pwn, pwn/ret2win, pwn/buffer-overflowDice-CTF-Quals-2024
04 February 2024Winter
A simple implementation of the Winternitz signature scheme. `nc 31001` []( --- We're provided a single file, ``: ```py...
Dice-CTF-Quals-2024, crypto, crypto/winternitz, crypto/signatureDice-CTF-Quals-2024
04 February 2024Dice CTF Quals 2024
[]( Placement: #167/1040 overall, #7/50 high school --- ## Thoughts: Didn't dedicate a ton of time to this, but some...
04 February 2024Zshfuck
may your code be under par. execute the getflag binary somewhere in the filesystem to win `nc 31774` [jail.zsh](
Dice-CTF-Quals-2024, misc, misc/jail, misc/zshDice-CTF-Quals-2024
04 February 2024Dicedicegoose
Follow the leader. []( --- Visit the site. Seems like some sort of game. Heading to Chrome Dev Tools with...
Dice-CTF-Quals-2024, web, web/inspect0xL4ugh-CTF-2024
10 February 2024Poison
Author : mindFlayer02 [source.sage]( [out.txt]( --- We are provided a sage source file and an output file. Here's the source:...
0xL4ugh-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/elliptic-curve0xL4ugh-CTF-2024
10 February 2024Rsa Gcd
I think i might leaked something but i dont know what Author : Bebo07 [chall2.txt]( []( --- We're given a...
0xL4ugh-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/gcd0xL4ugh-CTF-2024
10 February 20240xL4ugh CTF 2024
[]( Placement: #98/614 --- ## Thoughts: First time playing with a team (reCAPTCHA the Flag). Unfortunately, the other members didn't...
03 March 2024Bitbane Cryptic Chaos
Once again, Mr. David made a blunder by encrypting some confidential data and deleting the original file. Can you help...
Vishwa-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/brute-forceVishwa-CTF-2024
03 March 2024Intellectual Heir
You received a package, and you got to know that you are the descendant of RIADSH. There are four files...
Vishwa-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/rsaVishwa-CTF-2024
03 March 2024Lets Smother The King
In my friend circle, Mr. Olmstead and Mr. Ben always communicate with each other through a secret code language that...
Vishwa-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/esoteric-languageVishwa-CTF-2024
03 March 2024Poly Fun
Its a simple symmetric key encryption, I am sure you will be able to solve it (what do you mean...
Vishwa-CTF-2024, cryptoVishwa-CTF-2024
03 March 2024Tevyat Tales
All tavern owners in Mondstadt are really worried because of the frequent thefts in the Dawn Winery cellars. The Adventurersโ...
Vishwa-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/decoder, crypto/enigmaVishwa-CTF-2024
03 March 2024Vishwa CTF 2024
[]( Placement: #116/1039 --- ## Thoughts: 2nd event with team reCAPTCHA the Flag! Only looked at the crypto category for...
19 March 2024Crypto Two Time Pad
One-time pads are perfectly information-theoretically secure, so I should be safe, right? []( [eFlag.bmp]( [eWolverine.bmp]( --- We're provided a Python...
Wolv-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/otpWolv-CTF-2024
19 March 2024Crypto Yors Truly
I have encrypted some text but it seems I have lost the key! Can you find it? []( --- We're...
Wolv-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/xorWolv-CTF-2024
19 March 2024Forensics Hidden Data
WOLPHV sent me this file. Not sure what to comment about it [wctf_evil.jpg]( --- Run `strings wctf_evil.jpg | grep "wctf"`....
Wolv-CTF-2024, forensics, forensics/stringsWolv-CTF-2024
19 March 2024Osint Redditor
Someone told me WolvSec has a Reddit account. I wonder if they left a flag there... --- Search `wolvsec reddit`...
Wolv-CTF-2024, osintWolv-CTF-2024
19 March 2024Pwn Babypwn
Just a little baby pwn. `nc 1337 ` [babypwn]( [babypwn.c]( --- We're provided a binary ELF and a C...
Wolv-CTF-2024, pwn, pwn/buffer-overflowWolv-CTF-2024
19 March 2024Pwn Babypwn2
A harder babypwn. `nc 1337 ` [babypwn2]( [babypwn2.c]( --- We're provided a binary ELF and a C source file....
Wolv-CTF-2024, pwn, pwn/buffer-overflow, pwn/ret2win, pwn/getsWolv-CTF-2024
19 March 2024Rev Babyre
Just a wee-little baby re challenge. [babyre]( --- No rev required! Run `strings babyre | grep "wctf"` to get the...
Wolv-CTF-2024, rev, rev/stringsWolv-CTF-2024
19 March 2024Rev Shredded
We encoded a flag, and to make sure that pesky interlopers couldn't reverse it, we shredded the encoding code. Note:...
Wolv-CTF-2024, rev, rev/brute-force, rev/byte-by-byteWolv-CTF-2024
19 March 2024Web The Gauntlet
Can you survive the gauntlet? 10 mini web challenges are all that stand between you and the flag. Note: Automated...
Wolv-CTF-2024, webWolv-CTF-2024
19 March 2024Blocked 1
The WOLPHV group (yes, this is an actual article) group encrypted our files, but then blocked us for some reason....
Wolv-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/aes, crypto/aes-cbc, crypto/oracleWolv-CTF-2024
19 March 2024Blocked 2
We managed to log into doubledelete's email server. Hopefully this should give us some leads... `nc 1337` []( ---...
Wolv-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/aes, crypto/oracle, crypto/roll-your-ownWolv-CTF-2024
19 March 2024Limited 1
It's pretty easy to find random integers if you know the seed, but what if every second has a different...
Wolv-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/randomWolv-CTF-2024
19 March 2024Limited 2
I was AFK when the flag was being encrypted, can you help me get it back? []( --- We're provided...
Wolv-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/random, crypto/timeWolv-CTF-2024
19 March 2024Tag Series 1
Don't worry, the interns wrote this one. `nc 1337` []( --- We're provided a Python source: ```py import sys...
Wolv-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/aes, crypto/aes-ecb, crypto/oracleWolv-CTF-2024
19 March 2024Tag Series 3
Surely they got it right this time. `nc 1337` []( --- We're provided a Python source file: ```py import...
Wolv-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/hash, crypto/sha1, crypto/length-extension-attackWolv-CTF-2024
19 March 2024Wolv CTF 2024
[]( Placement: #88/622 --- ## Thoughts: Didn't have too much time to do this CTF, especially since I was heading...
19 March 2024Made Sense
i couldn't log in to my server so my friend kindly spun up a server to let me test makefiles....
Wolv-CTF-2024, misc, misc/jail, misc/makefileWolv-CTF-2024
19 March 2024Wolphv I Reconaissance
A new ransomware group you may have heard about has emerged: WOLPHV There's already been reports of their presence in...
Wolv-CTF-2024, osintJersey-CTF-IV-2024
25 March 2024Aces Aes
- The attached files were recovered from an attack committed by the malicious AI named RB. - The first file...
Jersey-CTF-IV-2024, crypto, crypto/aes, osintJersey-CTF-IV-2024
25 March 2024Adversary
You have intercepted an encrypted message from the RB back to Dr. Tom!!!! The component values of Dr. Tom's public...
Jersey-CTF-IV-2024, crypto, crypto/rsaJersey-CTF-IV-2024
25 March 2024Attn Agents
We heard a distress call and received a transmission. Only this text came through. You better take a look at...
Jersey-CTF-IV-2024, crypto, crypto/caesarJersey-CTF-IV-2024
25 March 2024Mutant Mayhem
To prevent the RB from impersonating any communications coming from you to our team, we need to employ an extremely...
Jersey-CTF-IV-2024, crypto, crypto/ecc, crypto/secp256k1, crypto/signatureJersey-CTF-IV-2024
25 March 2024Vibrations
While managing some of our thermal systems, we noticed unusual behavior. We collected the network traffic, see if you can...
Jersey-CTF-IV-2024, forensics, forensics/network, forensics/wireshark, forensics/tcp, forensics/modbusJersey-CTF-IV-2024
25 March 2024Jersey CTF IV 2024
[]( Placement: #12/520 --- ## Thoughts: TL;DR: I got trolled by crypto but clutched on osint. Played with reCAPTCHA the...
25 March 2024Cyber Daddy
We're still trying to figure out who tom's new friend is. Did you dig into them from the forums? They...
Jersey-CTF-IV-2024, osint, osint/instagramJersey-CTF-IV-2024
25 March 2024The Golden Falcon And The Rugged Lands
- Okay, this is weird. They had a whole forum going. - There must be something worthwhile in there. We...
Jersey-CTF-IV-2024, osintTexsaw-CTF-2024
25 March 2024Freaky Flags
Password manager? I store all of mine in image form. [freakyFlags.png]( --- Import the image into MS Paint or any...
Texsaw-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/rgbTexsaw-CTF-2024
25 March 2024Texsaw CTF 2024
[]( Placement: #15/410 --- ## Thoughts: TL;DR: Crypto challenges were... questionable. Played with reCAPTCHA the Flag!
25 March 2024Prison Italiano
You've been locked in the worst prison imaginable: one without any meatballs! To escape the prison, you must read the...
Texsaw-CTF-2024, misc, misc/pyjailTexsaw-CTF-2024
25 March 2024Geo Location
Find what street this picture was taken from. Format the flag as the following: The street name in all caps...
Texsaw-CTF-2024, osintTexsaw-CTF-2024
25 March 2024Sherlock
I need to study for a class but the quizlet I'm using has jumbled up answers that just don't make...
Texsaw-CTF-2024, osint, osint/vigenereTexsaw-CTF-2024
25 March 2024Ask And It Shall Be Given To You
The flag is at Unfortunately it seems like the site is down right now :( . Maybe you can...
Texsaw-CTF-2024, web, web/robots.txt, web/error, web/postTexsaw-CTF-2024
25 March 2024Extreme Security
We are at We are so secure that we only allow requests from our own origin to access secret...
Texsaw-CTF-2024, web, web/headersTexsaw-CTF-2024
25 March 2024Over 9000
Help Goku get over 9000 energy to defeat his enemy Vegeta and save the world. --- Visit the site....
Texsaw-CTF-2024, web, web/postUT-CTF-2024
01 April 2024Beginner Anti
I've heard that everyone just uses to solve all of their crypto problems. Shameful, really. This is really just...
UT-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/caesarUT-CTF-2024
01 April 2024Cryptordle
Just guess the word in 6 tries. What do you mean it's hard? By oops (former ISSS officer) Officer in...
UT-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/mathUT-CTF-2024
01 April 2024Numbers Go Brr 2
A spiritual successor the first. By jocelyn (@jocelyn3270 on discord) `nc 2435` []( --- We're provided a Python source...
UT-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/random, crypto/aes, crypto/oracleUT-CTF-2024
01 April 2024Numbers Go Brr
I wrote an amazing encryption service. It is definitely flawless, so I'll encrypt the flag and give it to you....
UT-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/random, crypto/aes, crypto/oracleUT-CTF-2024
01 April 2024Rsa 256
Based on the military-grade encryption offered by AES-256, RSA-256 will usher in a new era of cutting-edge security... or at...
UT-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/rsaUT-CTF-2024
01 April 2024Simple Signature
The s in rsa stands for secure. By alex (@kyrili : not the isss officer - someone y'all don't know)...
UT-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/signature, crypto/forgeryUT-CTF-2024
01 April 2024Gibberish
Help! I'm trying to spy on my lover but they're not typing in any language I'm familiar with! By mzone...
UT-CTF-2024, forensics, forensics/network, forensics/stenographyUT-CTF-2024
01 April 2024UT CTF 2024
[]( Placement: #8/854 --- ## Thoughts: Best CTF yet with my team reCAPTCHA the Flag! I completed all of the...
01 April 2024Ccv
I've got some credit cards but I don't which ones are valid. Where did I get them? Uh, that's not...
UT-CTF-2024, misc, misc/credit-cardsUMD-CTF-2024
28 April 2024Triple Des
Before the Kwisatz Haderach, the Bene Gesserit used this oracle to predict the future. `nc 32333` []( --- We're...
UMD-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/des, crypto/3des, crypto/padding-oracleUMD-CTF-2024
28 April 2024UMD CTF 2024
[]( Placement: #28/562 --- ## Thoughts: Another CTF with reCAPTCHA the Flag! Solved 2 crypto and 1 pwn. The other...
28 April 2024Mentat Question
Thufir Hawat is ready to answer any and all questions you have. Unless it's not about division... `nc 32300`...
UMD-CTF-2024, pwn, pwn/buffer-overflow, pwn/gets, pwn/format-string, pwn/ret2win, pwn/PIEsqu1rrel-CTF-2024
28 April 2024Lazy Rsa
Generating primes is too hard, but I did find a couple posted online! [lazyrsa.txt]( --- The provided txt file just...
squ1rrel-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/factordbsqu1rrel-CTF-2024
28 April 2024Partial Rsa
Hmm? What's wrong with using the same flag format again? Whisper it in my ear so they don't hear. [partialrsa.txt](
squ1rrel-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/coppersmith, crypto/stereotyped-message-attacksqu1rrel-CTF-2024
28 April 2024Rsa Rsa Rsa
I had something so important to say that I just had to tell three of my friends! [rsarsarsa.txt]( --- Here's...
squ1rrel-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/hastad-broadcast-attacksqu1rrel-CTF-2024
28 April 2024Squ1rrel Lottery
Welcome to the squ1rrel lottery! 9 winning numbers will be selected, and if any of your tickets share 3 numbers...
squ1rrel-CTF-2024, cryptosqu1rrel-CTF-2024
28 April 2024Squ1rrel Treasury
We recently opened a new bank, our exchange rate is pretty poor though `nc 1337` []( --- Here's
squ1rrel-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/aes, crypto/cbcsqu1rrel-CTF-2024
06 May 2024squ1rrel CTF 2024
[]( Placement: #6/378 All, #2/44 Student Winnings: $150 --- ## Thoughts: Another CTF with reCAPTCHA the Flag! Cleared crypto (the...
19 May 2024Account Leak
Uncrackable password? I thought this was a CTF; get me my friends minecraft password pls i have an uncrackable password...
TJ-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/rsaTJ-CTF-2024
19 May 2024Alkane
I hate standing in line for gas.... [output.txt]( []( --- Here's the Python source: ```py schedule = # ommitted because...
TJ-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/matrixTJ-CTF-2024
19 May 2024Assume
assume for the sake of contradiction that pet the catloe [main.sage]( [log.txt]( --- Here's the sage source: ```py import random...
TJ-CTF-2024, cryptoTJ-CTF-2024
19 May 2024Hulksmash
my friends password is keysmash.... :(... i got some of his old keysmashes tho.... he types kinda funny.... [output.txt]( [keysmashes.txt](
TJ-CTF-2024, cryptoTJ-CTF-2024
19 May 2024Iodomethane
AINT NO HILL HIGH ENOUGH.... [out.txt]( []( --- Here's the Python source: ```py import secrets flag = open("flag.txt", "r").read().strip() print(flag)...
TJ-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/matrixTJ-CTF-2024
19 May 2024Lightweight Crypto Guard System
They said OTPs were too simple. [out.txt]( []( --- Before you begin reading this writeup, I highly, highly recommend you...
TJ-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/lcgTJ-CTF-2024
19 May 2024Weird Crypto
weird crypto hmmm []( [output.txt]( --- Here's the Python source: ```py from math import lcm from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, getPrime...
TJ-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/wienerTJ-CTF-2024
19 May 2024TJ CTF 2024
[]( Placement: #5/19 HS, #25/518 all --- ## Thoughts: Played with reCAPTCHA the Flag! Lots of crypto challs, felt quite...
12 June 2024Cha Cha Slide
I made this cool service that lets you protect your secrets with state-of-the-art encryption. It's so secure that we don't...
BCA-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/chacha20BCA-CTF-2024
12 June 2024Cinnamon Dynamics
Cinnamon Dynamics, an innovative technology company, provides a service for the public to execute short scripts to query some limited...
BCA-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/sha256, crypto/length-extension-attackBCA-CTF-2024
12 June 2024Encryptor Shop
After realizing how insecure the systems of many companies are (they're always getting hacked), I decided to start offering Encryption...
BCA-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/gcdBCA-CTF-2024
12 June 2024Rad Be Damned
My friend seems to be communicating something but I can't make out anything. Why do we live so close to...
BCA-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/error-checkingBCA-CTF-2024
12 June 2024Rsa Encrypter
I made an rsa encrypter to send my messages but it seems to be inconsistent... `nc 31452` []( ---...
BCA-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/hastad-broadcast-attackBCA-CTF-2024
12 June 2024Superstitious 2
My client is a bit picky with the primes they are willing to use... (Sequel from BCACTF 4.0) []( [superstitious-2.txt](
BCA-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/branch-and-pruneBCA-CTF-2024
12 June 2024Talk To Echo
Echo is lonely and would like to talk `nc 31755` []( --- Here's the source code: ```py from random...
BCA-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/ecc, crypto/invalid-curve-attackBCA-CTF-2024
12 June 2024Time Skip
One of our problem writers got sent back in time! We found a piece a very very old piece of...
BCA-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/scytaleBCA-CTF-2024
12 June 2024Vinegar Times 3
We can't speak French and just say what we see. We also don't know what underscores are add them yourself....
BCA-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/vigenereBCA-CTF-2024
12 June 2024BCA CTF 2024
[]( Placement: #5/823 overall, #2/139 high school --- ## Thoughts: More prize money for reCAPTCHA the Flag! Dedicated a lot...
02 July 2024Determined
"It is my experience that proofs involving matrices can be shortened by 50% if one throws the matrices out." Emil...
UIUCTF-2024, crypto, crypto/rsa, crypto/gcdUIUCTF-2024
02 July 2024Groups
My friend told me that cryptography is unbreakable if moduli are Carmichael numbers instead of primes. I decided to use...
UIUCTF-2024, crypto, crypto/carmichael, crypto/dlpUIUCTF-2024
02 July 2024Naptime
I'm pretty tired. Don't leak my flag while I'm asleep. [pub.txt]( [enc_dist.sage]( --- Here's the source Sage file: ```py from...
UIUCTF-2024, crypto, crypto/knapsack, crypto/merkle-hellman, crypto/byte-by-byteUIUCTF-2024
02 July 2024Snore Signatures
These signatures are a bore! `ncat --ssl 1337` []( --- Here's the Python source: ```py #!/usr/bin/env python3 from Crypto.Util.number...
UIUCTF-2024, crypto, crypto/schnorr-signature, crypto/forgeryUIUCTF-2024
02 July 2024Without A Trace
Gone with the wind, can you find my flag? `ncat --ssl 1337` []( --- Here's the Python source: ```py...
UIUCTF-2024, cryptoUIUCTF-2024
02 July 2024UIUCTF 2024
[]( Placement: #80/959 --- ## Thoughts: i need a good nap after crypto/naptime. sleep-deprivation levels at an all-time high. In...
24 December 2024Mcdonalds
My friend has created his own hashing service and has given it to me to crack it, can you help...
Backdoor-CTF-2024, crypto, crypto/hash, crypto/macBackdoor-CTF-2024
24 December 2024Cursed Credential
I forgot my Browser's saved password although a friend of mine tells that I can find it if I know...
Backdoor-CTF-2024, forensics, forensics/password-cracking, forensics/hashcat, forensics/rockyouBackdoor-CTF-2024
24 December 2024Backdoor CTF 2024
[]( Placement: #38/476 --- ## Thoughts: First writeups in a while! Been pretty inactive individually and as a team for...
24 December 2024Decompressor
Can you decompress the flag without the codes? nc 8009 Author : ph03n1x []( --- Here's ``: ```py #!/usr/bin/env...
Backdoor-CTF-2024, misc, misc/compression, misc/huffman-codingUofT-CTF-2025
12 January 2025UofT CTF 2025
[]( Placement: #50/897 --- ## Thoughts: Crypto was too hard :( Pwn went really well though! Solved 4/6, definitely could've...
12 January 2025Baby Pwn 2
Here's a baby pwn challenge for you to try out. Can you get the flag? nc 5000 Author: atom...
UofT-CTF-2025, pwn, pwn/buffer-overflow, pwn/ret2winUofT-CTF-2025
12 January 2025Baby Pwn
Here's a baby pwn challenge for you to try out. Can you get the flag? nc 5000 Author: atom...
UofT-CTF-2025, pwn, pwn/buffer-overflow, pwn/ret2winUofT-CTF-2025
12 January 2025Counting Sort
Did you know that the best time complexity for a sorting algorithm is O(n). This is an example service that...
UofT-CTF-2025, pwn, pwn/out-of-bounds, pwn/write-what-whereUofT-CTF-2025
12 January 2025Echo
Yet another echo service. However, the service keeps printing stack smashing detected for some reason, can you help me figure...
UofT-CTF-2025, pwn, pwn/buffer-overflow, pwn/format-string, pwn/got-overwrite